Manufacturing CNC wire cutting details with high precision

Manufacturing CNC wire cutting details with high precision

Apro provides manufacturing CNC wire cutting details service nationwide with high accuracy, quality, and surface gloss. Committed to processing products according to requirements with quality, fast delivery always brings satisfaction to customers. So how does CNC wire cutting work? Let’s find out below the article below.

Learn CNC wire cutting.

What is CNC wire cutting?

CNC wire cutting, also known as spark machining, is a special processing method thanks to the corrosion of metal by sparks, the tool and the part are two electrodes.

Cathodic cutting wire and details play the role of Anode. The movement of Advantages when manufacturing CNC wire cutting details at Apro. EDM CNC wire cutting is a machining method used for parts with large thickness is controlled according to a contour located in the XY coordinate system. The machine table is CNC controlled to create movement in the X and Y directions. Combining the auxiliary movement of the two upper and lower wire ends along the U and V axes to create a wire inclination angle to help the machining machine cut the tapered angles from custom. depending on the workpiece thickness and the machine’s ability to cut the taper angle. The movement of the cutting wire can be initiated from the outside of the workpiece and enter the position to be cut, or threaded through the pre-drilled hole position through the workpiece thickness.

The cutting process is the process of running the XY, UV interpolation wire according to the contour that has been programmed on the control screen, the position of the cutting wire is displayed with direct coordinates and simulated images to help users easily Easy to control the cutting process.

Methods of manufacturing CNC wire cutting details

There are 2 main methods in CNC wire cutting processing with names based on the material of the cutting wire, respectively, cutting copper wire and molybdenum wire: 

  • Cutting copper wire gives an increased surface finish. high-gloss finish, suitable for high-precision requirements in high-end molds and machine parts requiring precision and demanding surface quality. However, the investment cost and cutting cost of copper wire are significantly higher than that of molybdenum wire.
  • Cutting molybdenum wire (molybdenum, molybdenum, cutting saw trigger wire) is used a lot with the advantage that the investment cost for cutting wire materials is not too high, molybdenum wire can be used to cut and cut many times. The quality of the molyb wire cutting surface quality ensures that the machining requirements of part surfaces and molds do not require too high precision.
Methods of using CNC wire cutting machines.

Advantages when manufacturing CNC wire cutting details at Apro

Manufacturing CNC wire cutting details EDM is a special processing method, which can be used for parts with large thickness (up to 300, 500mm…)

Wire-cutting profile can be guaranteed according to complex 2D design drawings, grooves. narrow and small holes. Machining right angles, or sharp edges, complex curves, with variable clearances and cutting thicknesses.

Special machined material with high hardness that other machining methods are difficult, suboptimal or impossible to achieve.

Wire cutting is also very suitable for machining simple parts with small thicknesses. Multiple products can be cut in one cut easily when stacking thin sheets. And cut special details, cut wire for molds, cut wires of all kinds of punches and mortars… as required.

  • Compared with conventional processing machines, products from manufacturing CNC wire cutting details do not depend on the operator’s skill but on the content and program put into the machine. 
  • Product processing speed is higher, so the machining time is shorter, more products can be processed.
  • Product machining accuracy is higher because usually CNC wire cutting machines have very high accuracy compared to manual machining.
  • The ability to mass process with high speed, high quality instead of depending on human resources like manual processing.
  • CNC wire cutting machine is capable of cutting and processing high hardness products thanks to its sturdy mechanical structure.
Advantages brought when machining CNC wire cutting.

In addition to the outstanding advantages, this CNC wire cutting processing method also has many advantages. Some disadvantages such as:

  • Maintenance and repair costs are also more expensive.
  • Due to modern features, the price is also higher.
  • It will be more difficult to change machine control personnel because currently trained machine workers are quite time consuming.

Applications of manufacturing CNC wire cutting details

Parts production machine CNC wire-cutting parts production machines are used in processing hard materials such as polymorphic diamond, cubic boron nitride and some composite materials. Composite materials are widely applied in many fields such as nuclear, automobile industry, aviation, chemical industry, etc. However, they are difficult to process by traditional methods.

Electric spark processing is one of the modern mechanical processing types and is widely used in the manufacturing industries of automobiles, motorcycles, medical, aviation… are often used in machining mechanical products that require high precision and complexity that normal tools cannot meet. 

The progress of manufacturing CNC wire cutting details can completely solve that, allowing all the above materials to be processed without twisting or bumping. This machining method also allows the processing of insulating porcelain materials.

CNC wire cutting processing applications in life.

Professional CNC machining

unit Apro is a specialized unit. specializes in manufacturing CNC wire cutting details according to the requirements of prestige, quality, and competitive price in the market. Using the most modern machinery and equipment, processing products with high durability and accuracy. Team of highly skilled workers, experienced in the field of CNC machining in mechanics. We promise that you will be satisfied when using our services.

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